Health & Safety

Health & Safety Policy

At Tràng An English Center we take the health and safety of our students and our staff very seriously. The COVID-19 pandemic has raised our awareness of how viruses and other pathogens are spread, and the best measures we can take to prevent infection. We want to make sure that the children who come to our center are safe here, and that we do everything we can to provide them with a high-quality English education while also protecting them and their families from the many pathogens currently circulating throughout the world, like RSV, Norovirus, Adenovirus, Influenza types A & B, and others. For that reason, we adhere to the following policies and procedures:

  • We air out every classroom in between classes to make sure our students are not re-breathing air left behind by the previous class. During the winter we may open windows to promote the circulation of outdoor air.

  • We run high quality air filtration devices in order to filter out aerosols that circulate viruses and pathogens thru the air. Airborne transmission is the main pathway of infection for viruses like Sars-CoV-2 and Influenza.

  • All of our staff and teachers wear high quality masks in the center, so as to prevent unknowingly spreading any pathogens through their exhalations.

We also request that parents take the following precautions with respect to their children:

  • Please provide your child with a well-fitting mask to wear when they are at the center. There will be times in the course of a lesson when a teacher may ask students to remove their masks in order to focus on Speaking or Pronunciation skills, but for the sake of the health of your child as well as the other children in their class - and their relatives at home who may be elderly or immunocompromised - we ask that students always wear a mask unless their teacher expressly asks them to remove it.

  • Please ask your child to always use hand-sanitizer (provided by the center) upon entering the center, and to wash their hands often, especially after using the toilet, coughing or sneezing. 

  • If your child is exhibiting any symptoms of illness, even mild ones like coughing, sneezing or a runny nose, please keep them home and call the center to let us know that your child is missing a lesson because of illness. There is no academic or monetary penalty when your child misses a lesson because they are sick.